- Goggles, swim hat, swimsuit or tri-suit, wetsuit if open water.
- Get to the swim start in good time so that you’re not rushed and you’ve time to get familiarised with the course layout. -Consider a land based warm up & mobility as doing so in the water is often not an option
- Note the swim exit and route to T1.
- Make a note of where your bike is in transition, which isle and see if there are any markers such as bins or lampposts etc.
- Bike, helmet, cycle shoes, sunglasses, gloves, socks – Race belt and race number -Consider a gilet or rain jacket if the weather is cold or wet.
- Check your bike beforehand so that it’s mechanically sound and check tyre pressures
- Put your bike in an easy gear so that you can start off comfortably.
- Put a little talc in your shoes to help absorb some of the moisture.
- Put your cycle shoes on as you normally would. Only consider attaching to the bike when you’ve practiced. -Socks are fine, particularly if it’s what you’re used to or practice beforehand.
- Be clear on where the mount & dismount lines are situated for leaving and re-entering transition. -Ensure your helmet strap is done up before moving your bike and that your bike is re-racked before removing your helmet. (Number belt on facing back for bike)
- Have spare kit and be able to change a flat in case of a puncture.
- Running shoes, sunglasses, socks
- Check for T2 exit
- Also make note of the finish area and how many laps you need to do.
- Elastic laces help speed up the transition but test beforehand so that they are comfortable and the correct fit.
- Again a little talc in your shoes can be useful to help absorb some of the moisture.
- If using a race belt, turn your number round to be facing the front for the run
- Enjoy the finish line!